Sunday, January 25, 2015

WWE Royal Rumble Results

The New Day vs Cesaro, Kidd, and Rose (Kick-off Match) - Honestly I think Rose, Kidd, and Cesaro need the win more than The New Day. Though honestly it seems like a throwaway match to me, so I think it'll probably be this way...

Winner: The New Day *Cesaro & Kidd win. Surprising!

Paige & Natalya vs The Bella Twins - I'm a little surprised not to see the Divas title defended, but whatever, it's nice to see Nattie on a PPV. Another throwaway match in my opinion, but okay...

Winner: The Bella Twins *The Bella Twins win (Boo, Wendy, Boo!)

The New Age Outlaws vs The Ascension - A little surprised to see the Outlaws in a match, honestly I would have preferred the APA, but okay WWE, I suppose you know best...

Winner: The Ascension *The Ascension win (as they should).

The Usos vs The Miz and Damien Mizdow (WWE Tag Team Championship Match) - Would love to see Miz and Mizdow win, but I feel that we'll see Mizdow turn on Miz during the Royal Rumble match, so I think it end up something like this...

Winner - and STILL WWE Tag Team Champions, The Usos! *The Usos retain, but man, was the crowd hot for Mizdow (not the Miz).

Brock Lesnar vs John Cena vs Seth Rollins (WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match) - So many ways this can go. Glad to see Lesnar actually defending the belt. I can see Lesnar winning and Rollins then cashing in (the MitB briefcase) after a vicious beatdown, or the same scenerio with Cena (if Cena wins the belt), but ultimatly...

Winner: and NEW WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Seth Rolllins! *Brock Lesnar. Wow, what a battle. Some crazy spots to be sure. I really thought Rollins would cash in but he didn't. Maybe he's waiting for Wreslemania?

The 30 Man Royal Rumble Match - This is really the meat and potatoes of this PPV. Alot of speculation has gone on with who is going to win the Rumble tonight. Some says Reigns, some say Ambrose, some say Bryan. All I know is I think it's going to be a great main event.

Winner: Daniel Bryan/Ambrose/Reigns, see I still can't decide! *Reigns wins it, and man, was that crowd pissed when Bryan and Ziggler were eliminated. But the crowd hated that Reigns won, even when the Rock came out to congratulate him. The WWE missed the ball with either a Bray Wyatt, Daniel Bryan, or Dolph Ziggler win, and that Philly crowd let then know it. Sheesh! So it'll be Reigns vs Lesnar at WM 31. I guess those leaked banners were true. Way to go WWE in spoiling your main event a few days before the event. Somebody's ass is going be fired over that.

Come back later tonight to see how well my predictions were/are! *There you have it folks, let see how hot that crowd is for Raw tomorrow night. Later!

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