Tuesday, December 9, 2014

This Week in Rock (Games) (Part 1)

So I totally boned post all my other posts last week except for TWiRG. I will rectify that this week. All posts all the time! Okay, a post or so a day, that's what'cha get! On with the show!

Here is what Rocksmith 2014 released today:

Rage Against the Machine Song Pack (I-II) ($15.99 for both or $9.99 for Pack 1 and $7.99 for Pack II)

Pack I

"Killing in the Name"  (Drop D)
"No Your Enemy" (No Rhythm)
"Wake Up" (Drop D)

Pack II

"Bulls on Parade" (Eb Standard)
"Down Rodeo"
"Renegades of Funk" (Drop D)

Well there you have it folks, not one BUT two Rage Against the Machine Packs for your rocking pleasure. Are you grabbing these track today or is a skip until C3 released FREE stuff this Friday? Sound off!

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