Thursday, November 20, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Voivod, 1989, or Bust.

 I found out about Voivod through Brain M. back in the late 80's. It was such a crazy sound to me, you see back then I listened to Iron Maiden, Metallica, and Motley Crue (which incidentally those bands were the first compact discs I ever received as a X-Mas present, along with a CD/Cassette Player) so my taste for the strange bands, and yes, I would call Voivod strange, hadn't really happened yet. I remember particularly how cool I thought the picture was on the front of the cassette. I also distinctly remember how amazing I thought Astronomy Domine was (and that was before I found out that it was a Pink Floyd cover!) Amazing track!

In 1989 I was about to enter high school, and I had just returned back home from being away for three or three and a half years, I was like a new shiny penny, and for like one day at the start of 8th Grade, all these girls (literally) encircled me outside of one of the classrooms and asked about me and what I had been up to, but after that I was kind of a loner, and nobody really asked me much after that, sure, I made new friends (and Thank Ye Gods for that!) but I found that really weird when I look back on it, but hey, kids are kids, right?

As I entered High School I feel in with what most people would call the "wrong crowd", you know wayward teens with family and substance problems, but sweet Jesus, we were crazy close with one another, and I guess the music we all listened too reflected that turbulent period in our lives. Except for those times we had to hear "Ice Ice Baby". I can STILL damn near sing most of that song. I don't know whether to run down to the trophy store or make a bee line to the bathroom to vomit. (Retching noises are heard from the bathroom.)

It's amazing to think the style and taste of an individual change. I don't listen to a lot of Voivod anymore, but sometimes when I listen to the album, Nothingface, it takes my back to where I can close my eyes and see torn jeans, metal t-shirts,and fast cars. I can hear the good and bad times we all had back then with each other and our parents, I can feel our perceived teenage victories and I can still taste the tears of teenage defeat. Oh man, what it was like to be a kid! Some crazy shit right there, am I right? Yep.

So for the Daily Spotify Playlist to your left I put on the entire Nothingface album by Voivod, and because I can I will add Vanilla Ice's "Ice Ice Baby", ya, don't need to thank me. You're welcome!

Do you dig these Throwback Thursdays I am starting up? Love to hear your opinions on the matter!

Stay Calm and Bang a Gong.

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