Monday, April 28, 2014

Topic: Life

It's Been Awhile (cue the music, right?) So what's what in the land of Sir Sour of Sour-ton Way? Well, me and the lovely wife have moved back to the Zona' again (Arizona [Beardown!] for the peeps that don't know), though, I believe no one who actually lives here calls it "Zona'", well, except for little o' me that is. We moved back down in the cool desert wind and the land of Haboobs, and no, haboobs aren't about boobs. For all you robot readers out there boobs = 80085, snarf! But back to the task at hand, I keep flying off topic.

We are in a nice little house with a decent yard in a mostly quiet part of town, the reason I say kind of is quiet is that someone was blasting their car stereo at 7AM. Who does that? Some people's kids. But mostly the only sounds are the birds outside resting on the large tree out front. Sometimes I turn everything off and just listen, it's mind-blowing how much nature is all right up in yer face here. Hello giant lizards, LIZARDS! Don't forget huge ass spiders, scorpions (COME OVER HERE!), and other assorted scaly and plenty.

Symph and I have a few plants growing after I tried my best to kill them transplanting them from their small containers into way larger ones. Pretty excited to see the final product of tomatoes and chilies. Yummsville, natch'.

Symph and I just celebrated our six year anniversary just the other day, and on a personal note, it's the best damn six years EVER! I love you Symphony. Shit, kids, talk about good times. Forget good times, it's the best times. It's been a blast killing time with you and you taking this magical adventure with me called life. For sicker and poorer, indeed!  

What else? Oh yeah, I've been reading up a storm. Everything I can, it's nuts I tell ya. Graphic Novels. Check. Regular novels. Check. Books about sustainable living, and personal memoirs from solider-scientist who traveled in the Southwest United States. Checkity Check Check. I am also reading a book on video game design, a manga about the universe, which is pretty informative, and one or two other books. If anyone is interested, I just got into GoodReads, which details all my book reading adventures! At least from March of this year... Adventures, I say! Here is my profile: My GoodReads Page

Well I think that is about it. Hope you've enjoyed the trip inside my mind, I know I do, but hey, I'm weird. But you all know that don't know. And you know what, you're weird too, I mean that is why you read this blog, right. Madness attracts madness, or maybe distracts, or contracts, hehe, see what I'm doing there. It doesn't take much folks, it doesn't take much. 

Okay I'm outta here. Hope you enjoyed the ramblings! See you tomorrow with some This Week in Rock (Games) (Part 1). Stay tuned.

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