Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Thoughts on Television: The Idioticy of the Unwashed Masses

Cable Television. Where to begin? Jeez, don't get me wrong I grew up with a television, I still have one, but one thing I don't have is cable. I have the internet but that is another beast of another blog post. I can easily survive on Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon Instant Prime, and various other assorted good n' digital plenty. I remember when I was younger I envisioned a world where I could pick and choose, a la carte blanche, back then I didn't watch much, just a ton of horror movies and the occasional WWF wrestling show, not much has changed, well, I have a more discernible horror palate and the WWE has replaced the WWF monkier (and I catch a lot more wrestling shows nonadays, and with the WWE Network hitting the United States in about a month's time my boyhood dreams have come true.

Man the future is wonderful. And terrible. We're literally buried in ads all the time. On TV, radio, the internet, billboards, and our smartphones, pretty soon it'll be like Futurama and we'll all be able to have ads in our sleep, Lightspeed Briefs could become the new reality!

This ever present "virtual reality", be it the TV or the internet, is always on, and now with smartphones we can be connected all the time with hundreds, if not thousands of people at a moment's whim. And let's be honest, more than not folks are checking out (and checking in) their phones to the point of insanity. We are becoming a world of walking zombies. I remember as a kid that when you left the house there was no electronic tether, you left and that was that, you're on your own, good f'ing luck to you! Write if you find work. All that gibberish.

What's the next step? It could be as cool (or terrifying) as this:

Man, the world is going to be a pretty scary place, and I don't understand how with this new technology will help you with "taming strange", apparently using people's social footprint with psychic like precision will help you make sweet love to just about anybody, but hey, you know, the important thing is Achievement Unlocked!

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