Monday, November 18, 2013

Life: What's Going On

So we've moved. We are now in the South King Country area. We are close to a lot more, so hopefully work will come quick.

I mentioned on FB that I was going to take an extended break from video games and gaming come January (that is when the XBL runs out on the 3 month card I bought), what I didn't mention is I am selling all my gaming stuff. Xbox 360's, games, etc. I am also selling my gaming (RPG) books and my comics, yep, I said it, my comics! Everything!

I have come to the conclusion (at the young age of 37) that I want experiences instead of things. Don't get me wrong I want to be a homeowner, but I want to live in a non-conventional house, like a micro house. I also want to do more traveling in my life. I also want to write more screenplays and film-related pieces. I still have to keep my laptop (for writing) and I would like to try and find a way to keep my DVD's (even if that means throwing away/recycling the boxes and covers, which personally I don't want to do, but if I must, I will, and in the end I am okay with all that.

I am not sure about how to sell my things, I thought about Ebay, but I don't know, there is also, but I am not sure with that as well. Any suggestions would be great.

I have some very interesting things that I just feel that I don't need anymore or things I haven't used or taken out of boxes in over two years.

If you personally known me, you know some of the things I own and have owned so buckle up homies! When I figure the selling part out, I will let everyone know on here and on FB. Good times!

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