Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Writing: The Journey Begins Again: Just talkin' bout' Sweet. Shut your mouth, it's a sick f*#@ing script. Sweet!

I began writing a new screenplay two days ago, I'm eight pages in and almost at two thousand words.  It's a horror film.  It one of those films that has an overreaching first story, but unlike the films of late, all the stories will meet up with the original first story in a maddening attempt of insanity that I unleashing from my mind.

The story is dark.  Really really dark.  I wonder if I can find a major Hollywood studio to back this.  It's brutal, it's taboo, a lot and I really mean a lot of people are going to be turned off by it, as I feel they should.  There are no redeeming characters, no Saviors of Light, no Knights in Armor, only broken, sad people lost in their own personal hells that they've created for themselves.

I will need brave souls to play these parts.  I hope the stars of today are up for this nigh impossible task of portraying these nightmarish creations of my mind.  We'll see one day, shall we?  Yes.

Okay thought I would give you a little info about the screenplay and my strange trip it is finding this story inside me.  I will do some more updates as I continue to work on Sweet.

Thanks for taking this ride with me.

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