Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Guess What Day It Is? HUMP DAY!

It's Wednesday!  H-U-M-P Day!  Yeah that commercial is humorous and is a little ear worm-y.  It's also the weekly comic release day, the day after the new DVD/Blu-Ray/Video Games come out, it's also the day XBL releases their Arcade titles.  Hump Day is consumer paradise, well maybe not right this second as consumer buying is low right now, which I think it's called "consumer confidence".  The holidays are coming up and it's the shortest season from "Black Friday" to X-Mas in the past ten or so years, but you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be a lot of Xbox One's and Playstation 4's under that garish plastic trees in the homes of many Americans.  Sorry Wii U. Insert a sad panda face here.  Don't get me wrong, Nintendo doesn't have the first clue as to the gamers of today, it's like they are stuck in that golden age of Mario Bros./Duck Hunt glory.  You know, back in the Nineteen Eighties when Nintendo meant you were "big time"!

Let's talk about the next gen (or what is considered in the Eight Generation in GameSpeak, for all you don't know an X button from a LB on a gamepad, and if you don't, there's a Wii, yes I said Wii, with your name on it.  XB1 or PS4, that is really the question isn't it.  Well for me Dear Readers, it will be neither.  I had an Atari 2600, Nintendo, SEGA Saturn, Playstation, Nintendo 64, SEGA Dreamcast, PS2, GameCube, Xbox, Xbox 360, and a Nintendo Wii.  I still own a few of these consoles but this is the first time in a long time that I don't think I want the next generation of consoles.  Sure they are flashy, and the graphics are BEAST, and there are a billion apps, and all the bells and whistles with cameras and insane recognition of the player, a World in a World, always on and ever persistant and quite possibly evolving.  It's exciting to be sure, but I am good with my Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PS2, and DS, I mean, Jesus, how many electronic devices do WE need?  Everyone is attached to their computers, tablets, and smartphones.  It's kind of fucking insane when I sit back and think about it.  We have the World in the palm of our hands, and we bitch about each other sports teams "Go Seahawks!", "Screw the Bulls", "The Sharks are going to be eaten alive by the Ducks", to infinity and beyond, oh, and we post pictures of dogs and cats and hit the Like button until our eyes bleed.

I can't wait for the Omni Treadmill, Oculus Rift, and who ever made that cable that goes to the back of your neck in the Matrix, oh right, that was Skynet, my bad!

Jesus, it's must be HUMP DAY as I am babbling like a crazy man.  Enjoy the middle of your week, I'm out!... To enjoy a thousand screens around me while the Earth spins blindly around this amazing Universe, at least we have this:

Planet Earth or Bust

In Russia, Internet Searches You! (Extra points if you get the reference!) 

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