Tuesday, October 29, 2013

DVD/Blu Ray Tuesdays

You may notice something strange, the title for Tuesday has changed and I've taken out the video game section.  There is a method to my madness and all will be explained later on on my blog.  So here are some juicy new DVD's and Blu-Rays that are coming down the pipe today. 

I still haven't seen this, and frankly I don't know if it's worth your time and money.  I feel that this film should have come out years ago, but maybe that is just me. 

It's Disney/Pixar team up and that can probably mean only good things for this Blu-Ray/DVD combo.  The retail price on this is $40.00, though I am sure you can find it cheaper elsewhere online, you know just saying.

I just noticed they put Edge on the cover even though he's been out of active wrestling for a while.  If you are a fan of WWE then I am sure this is already on your radar.

If I remember correctly this is was a great PPV.  The MiTB match is always a classic and this one didn't disappoint.

I am curious as to what the Blu-Rays look like since I haven't seen a wrasslin' BR yet.  Maybe someone who has one can chime in here in the comments section.

Another film I have never seen, but it's Christmas and Halloween all rolled into one.  I am sure that its not that great of a movie, but I guess I should give it a shot at some point or another.

Anyone else seen this?  Is it even watchable?  Maybe I need to do some internet research.  But honestly, I love the cover and I have found great films based on covers, a lot of crappy movies I found that same way. 

So this is BR Audio, which I don't know what way to feel about that.  CD's still cost twenty bones, so I am a little weary at the $30.00 sticker shock. 

We will see if these catch on.  I personally think I will still with CD's.  There were about twenty or so Audio BR's coming out today.  If anyone grabs one let me (and everyone else reading this blog) know what all the hub bub about.

Nice little gems this week.  Come back later when I discuss... things and stuff.  Stuff and things.  See you in a few.

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