Monday, September 2, 2013

Movie Ticket Monday: Pacific Rim

I don't know why the critics hated this film, I mean it's what Transformers should have been.  I loved it.  I am also glad that I was able to see it in the theater.  Man, it was colorful, it was sleek, and the dialogue wasn't bad either, you know, for what it was, which was a balls to walls action film.  I think that Del Toro should get on that Lovecraft film sooner than later and I know some peeps that would agree with me. 

Charlie Hunnam does a great job as the lead, though I must admit it was weird (yet good) that he was not in his SoA clothing, man that would have looked strange in this Sci-Fi blockbuster.  Rinko Kikuchi does an amazing job, her subtlety is flawless, and she's very gorgeous to watch on the big screen, can't wait to see what else she does.  Also loved the father of Rinko's character, Idris Elba, he did an super job as well.  Those three really did bad ass.

The visuals were insane, the explosions were sweet, the giant robots (Jaegers) looked great as did the monsters (Kaiju).  The battles were choreographed excellent.  I really can't say enough how enjoyable this summer film was.  If you can still catch it in the theater you deserve to go see it, if 3-D and IMAX is your thing and you can still find it playing, that is even better.  Or if you like watching flicks at your house, I do believe this DVD/Blu-Ray will be out (estimated!) in October (subject to change).  I Wondering how long it will take before the sequel is released?  If Rinko is in it I will watch it.  Sorry, had a Close Encounter right there.  Nothing to see here, move along...

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