Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Xbox Classics: Call of Cthulhu Dark Corners of the Earth

Xbox Classics

I'm old school.  I've been playing video games since the Atari 2600.  Combat.  Yep.  M.A.S.H. That one too.  Riddle of the Sphinx.  Yes, even that one, though there was no booklet or instructions on how to play the game.  I fell in love with arcades and I remember in the early 80's putting two quarters in the cabniet for three lives to play Dragon's Lair.  I had a NES back in 86' where I got to the point where I could tear through the original Metal Gear in three hours from start to finish.  Super Mario Bros.  Beat it.  Strider.  Beat it.  Ninja Gaiden.  Watched someone else beat it.  I also finished the dreaded third level of Battletoads.  Hardcore, I know. 

I did miss some gaming milestones.  Never really experienced the Sega Dreamcast, didn't own a N64 until years after it's launch and demise.  I've only played the PS3 for about an hour or so total since it's debut.  The original Xbox was something that I adopted early on.  There were a few things about the monster black box that made my purchasing it all that much easier.

It was online.  What?  Awesome.  Kind of normal now and with the eight generation coming up and all.
But back then it was the bee's knee's.

You could put your music on the Xbox and play it while you were playing a game.  Holy moly!  Sign me up.  Heck, I still have friends on my friend's list that I've made during the early Xbox Live years on the original box.  I thought I would share some favorite Xbox games that I've had the pleasure of playing. 
If someone asks me what was the best game on the original Xbox.  I don't hesitate with my response.  (I am pretty sure that I've talked about this game before, but hey, it's my blog so I'm writing about it again!

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth

Call of what?  Cthulhu my good chums!  For those not in the know, Cthulhu (and his call) were breathed into life back in day.  Mr. Howard Phillips Lovecraft, born August 20, 1890 and passed away March 15, 1937, was a writer of horror fiction.  Awesome horror fiction to be honest.  I found good ol' Howie back in the day and I've been reading ever since.  To find out more about the amazing mind behind nightmares for generations to come, please direct your attention here: HP Lovecraft Wiki

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (I will now refer to this as CoC: DCotE) is a first person action-adventure game with sanity inducing visuals and audio.  The team behind this game (Headfirst Productions) did a great job on this front.  Never before have I raised my hands and controller up to my face and screamed liked I was being actually attacked by the on-screen monster.  My friend found this hilariously funny as he watched me play this.  Don't worry about the difficulty, even on Boy Scout (Easy) it is tough as nails.  It's also the only game I know that for a FPS, the first few hours of game play you don't even have a 1930's era gun to defend yourself with! 

If you loved playing games like Fatal Frame and such then this game is right up your alley.  Love insane difficulty?  CoC: DCotE has that.  Want to s*^# your pants?  No, well then, maybe then this game isn't for you!  But if you love H. P. L. and dig a sweet horrific story then track yourself down a copy and prepare to be amazed!

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