Friday, April 19, 2013

Topic: Exercise, Running (Beginner) or Run, Rabbit, Run!

So I started running again, to try and get back into shape and I used to enjoy it as a young kid.  I remember that back in the day I would run the 100 yard dash, the baton relay, and the dreaded 1600 meters (as a kid this is a long way) in a competitive events and meets.  I am thoroughly loving trying to do this again though my shins and knees are not as happy as they used to be.  I have been dying to get into a 5k race up here in the PNW, I would love to do the Color Vibe or even one of those "Run for your lives" zombie 5k runs, hell, I would even try my hand at the Tough Mudder, though those all might be a bit too much for me at the moment.

I use RunKeeper and Endomondo (just started that today!) to track my progress, and I am learning some valuable lessons as a beginning runner, here's some tips:

1. Buy good running shoes!  Probably the most important tip of all.  I am using Starter Pro Athletic shoes right now that I picked up at Wal-Mart for $24.99.  This is wrong.  I totally need to invest in better running shoes stat!  Don't try and buy new shoes and do a 5k the next day, break em' in first, fools!

2. Buy good running socks!  Blisters suck.  That is all.

3. Wear appropriate clothing for the weather conditions you're running in.  Shorts are great (except in the pouring rain!), try getting one of those fancy "trap the heat in while letting the sweat out" running jackets, it'll knock ya back a few bucks but it'll be worth it in the long run.  Ha!  I made a funny!

4.  Besides tip number one, this one is the most important, have fun and even if you don't have the right gear (shoes though are a must!) get out and run!  Sitting here and reading this blog ain't gonna crush your calories and get ya moving, well unless you're reading this blog on your smartphone while running, but really, you should keep your eyes on the road ahead of you!

If you like to be my buddy on RunKeeper, here's my info:

My RunKeeper Profile!

If you do the Endomondo thing, here ya go for that:

My Endomondo Profile!

I also do Fitocracy, which is like a video game (kinda), here's my profile for that!

My Fitocracy Profile!

So there are some of the exercise app/programs that I use.  Feel free to add me and check out my progress!  Do you use any of these programs or know something better to use?  Would you like for me to talk more about exercise on this blog?  Sound off in the comments below!

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