Friday, October 7, 2011

Blog Poll Results are in! Tie! Again! Damnit!

What is it with all the ties in my polls?  Hum.  Bad political joke, but it is over now.  Onto the poll results:

I was baptized Christian when I was only a week old as my parents thought I was going to die since I was three months premature and very sick when I was born.  We never went to church growing up until later (that I remember).

Then I was baptized Mormon when I was either seven or eight (once again, I think) though after that we (as a family) for a few years.  I remember how the church smelled and it was always great when the communion came by I enjoyed the small square of bread and tiny cup of water that we got.  It was like the treat of treats or something.  In my junior year I went to Seminary which is like Catechism, i.e. bible study.  I still have my Mormon Bible which ironically was bound upside down... a precursor of things to come?

So where does the Satanism come in at?  I do a lot of research in occult subjects.  It all started when I was fourteen and found a mass market paperback of the Avon edition of the "Simon" Necronomicon.  I found it interesting and I been hooked on all things occult and supernatural.  Maybe one of these days I'll blog more about this if the public shows an interest.  Air of mystery and all that.  I will say this about "modern" Satanism, it's a very self-serving religion, which is in the same vein to me seems like the saying "looking out for #1".  Take that content!

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