Sunday, October 7, 2012

Horror's Heart: 31 Films To Sweet Oblivion # 31=25

Some times, genius comes late to the game.  I'm referring to a brilliant idea I just received in my brain pan.  A must see film list for the entire month of October.  There will be some classics, some new films, something borrowed and something blue.  Wait, that is something else entirely.  Since I decided to start this on the 7th of the month, today's entry will be seven films that will shock and scare and make you cower in fear!  I'm going backwards from 31 down, down, down to the super awesome #1 film that will make you want to bring a fresh pair of underwear.  Gross.  Sick.  There's horror film trailers in this post, so suffice to say most of the post is NSFW.  Here we go:

31,  In the Mouth of Madness

Directed by John Carpenter, (don't worry we'll see him again a few times) this take on a HP Lovecraft story is perfect to start off this list.   One of the better Lovecraft films out there that has been done recently.  Sam Neill stars in this picture, and hell, who doesn't love Sam Neill (we'll see him again as well, kiddies) as a man unwittingly thrust into a HPL inspired world.  Monsters, madmen (and madwomen), and mayhem ensues.  Great special effects, decent dialogue, and a awesome cast make this a great view this Halloween season.
 30.  The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Directed by Tobe Hooper, this film was best described by Tobe himself, as a "what if there was a family of Ed Geins", yes, that statement is disturbing to even think about.  If you don't know who Ed Gein is, Wikipedia it and come back.  Disturbed yet?  Good.  This classic horror film (which did get a remake) is a "kids running from the monsters type of film" but the scares and cinematography is something else.  This film stands the test of time still to this day.
 29.  Suspiria 

Dario Argento directed this Italian giallo and it doesn't disappoint.  With really interesting use of camera and light this film delivers on some great eye candy.  The gore is abundant and there is a creative way that the killer in the film dispatches his victims.  If you've never seen this, then stop reading this and watch it.  You're back?  Good, on with the list.
 28.  Night of the Living Dead

Directed by George A. Romero, this film is legend now.  Also, who would I be if I didn't include this film in the list?  I would be a horrible person.  So here it is, the one that pretty much started it all and make a zillion directors take a bite out of the zombie genre.  If you haven't seen this yet you own it to yourself to view this right now.  Classic.
 27.  Possession

Another film staring Sam Neill, and also the stunning Isabella Adjani, a strange little film that I would rather let the trailer do the talking, probably NSFW:

26.  Nightmare Before Christmas

If you haven't seen this yet, then there is no hope for you.  Great film for you and the kiddos.  Singing, dancing, Halloween Town, what is not to love about this?  The songs will become your new "ear worm".
 25.  Rosemary's Baby

Roman Polanski directs this horror opus.  Every mother's fear come to life.  Not gory at all if I remember correctly but it's been a while.  Hell, I might have to watch this myself soon. 

 Alright folks, there you have it.  Tune in tomorrow where I pick the next film that you should see during the Devil's Favorite Month.  Turn the lights back on and rejoice!  You survived!

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