Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Film Review: Contagion

First film I've seen in the theatre this year since... oh crap now I have to go and look...

... was Jaws.  Yes, Jaws!  It played in a place near us up here in the PNW.  Good times.

So, Contagion was okay.  Everyone was alright but there was no real acting except for a few Matt Damon scenes.  Maybe I should have seen Shark Night 3D (at least it would have kept with a theme.  Zing!), then again maybe not.  It probably didn't do too good at the box office.

But since I had to go look at my movie tickets I thought of a cool idea that I think I'll be implementing on this blog.  It'll be called Movie Ticket Mondays.  I'll try my best to actually post on Monday every week, but, don't hold me to it alright?  Okay.  So, next Monday will be the first ticket on the stack and it is... wait for it... A Midsummer's Night Dream, watched it at the Modesto 18 on May 20, 1999.  See you back on Monday about my thoughts on the film and more...

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