Tuesday, August 12, 2014

WWE SummerSlam 2014 Results

Okay, so I haven't done any PPV predictions in a few months, so now is the time to start up again. It's SummerSlam 2014 happening on Sunday, so it's time for some predictions.

Jack Swagger v Rusev (Flag Match) - Jack Swagger is building momentum as a Babyface while the Universe is hating on Lana and Rusev. Russia vs. USA, is this the 80's again?

Winner: Jack Swagger *Rusev beats Swagger.

AJ Lee v Paige - Paige is now playing the Heel, so there's that. AJ Lee has returned and brought some much needed experience back to the Divas division. It'll be interesting to see who's going to win, but my money is on...

Winner: and STILL DIVAS CHAMPION, AJ Lee! *Paige wins with a wicked DDT!

Chris Jericho v Bray Wyatt - Both Harper and Rowan are banned from ringside for this match. The chemistry between these two have been amazing and I'm looking forward to see what these two Superstars do in the ring on Sunday. It's pretty tough to call this one, but I think this will be the outcome.

Winner: Bray Wyatt *Bray Wyatt beats Y2J with Sister Abagail. Ouch

Intercontinental Champion The Miz v Dolph Ziggler - The Miz pulled an upset over Ziggler in the Battle Royale a few weeks ago for the IC title. Ziggler's been on a hot streak with the fans, and lately his matches too, I only see one way this is going...

Winner: and NEW INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION, Dolph Ziggler! *Ziggler wins the IC title with a wicked looking Zig-Zag!

Dean Ambrose v Seth Rollins (Lumberjack Match) - It's about time! Finally the match I've been waiting for for like two months now. The stipulation is dumb. Why not a Breifcase match, hell, that would've made more sense. I hate to say it but I think it'll be like this...

Winner: Seth Rollins *Rollins wins by using the MitB briefcase on Ambrose. Boo, Wendy, boo.

Brie Bella v Stephaine McMahon - Ug. I would rather see Daniel Bryan come out and punch Michael Cole in the coin purse. No reason for this match except for filler, and there are more Divas that should be on the card beside Stephaine.

Winner: Stephaine McMahon *Nikki turns on Brie and then Stephaine McMahon hits the Pedigree for the win.

Roman Reigns v Randy Orton - Two powerhouses hitting the ring. Both performers have been golden lately. The Orton/Sheamus match was great on Raw this week, and Reigns has been destorying the roster lately. This two will have a great match.

Winner: Roman Reigns *Roman Reigns beats the Viper with a brutal Spear.

WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena v Brock Lesnar - Since Bryan has been out of action for a while this seems like a good alternative. Will Cena beat Brock, or vise versa, who knows? But I think this is how it'll end.

Winner: and NEW WWE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, Brock Lesnar! Though I think Seth Rollins will come out, cash in the Money in the Bank briefcase, and then... NEW WWE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, Seth Rollins! Though Lesnar will destroy Seth after the fact to end the show. *Lesnar beats Cena clean to end the show!

I am sure there will be a few other matches, and I have no idea if there is a pre-show match or not, but one thing is certain, stay tuned til' Sunday when I post the results of SummerSlam 2014!

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