Thursday, August 15, 2013

WWE SummerSlam 2013 PPV Predictions/Results

It's seems like a wrestling themed week over here at my blog.  In that same vein I am going to give my predictions for the upcoming SummerSlam PPV this Sunday.

 (Pre-show Kickoff) Dean Ambrose (C) vs. Rob Van Dam for the United States Championship

Ambrose has had the belt for a little bit of time and let's be honest RVD has a larger fan base, so it might  behoove WWE to put the belt around Van Dam.  Don't get me wrong I would love to see Dean Ambrose hold the title longer as I feel that all three members of the Shield will be main event players pretty soon.  I love seeing how RVD interacts with the younger talent.  It's going to be a great pre-show match but my money is on RVD winning, yet, maybe, Ambrose can retain with a little help from Rollins and Reigns (you know, since they aren't having a match at the PPV).

Winner: Still Champion, Dean Ambrose *Winner, RVD by DQ!  Reigns spears RVD! Ambrose retains!  Good so far WWE, good!

Natalya vs. Brie Bella - I love watching the Divas battle it out, but this match is based off of Total Divas (the new reality show on E!) and frankly I could care less.  Instead of Natalya wrestling with Brie, she should be going one on one with AJ Lee, why isn't the Divas Champion being fought over on this PPV (same with the Tag Team titles, what the hell, I thought PPV were to defend Championships?)  Okay, I'll get on with my prediction.

Winner: Brie Bella *Natalya wins with the Sharpshooter (submission).  Crowd was funny during the match, but honestly those Divas rock!

Kane vs. Bray Wyatt (Ring of Fire Match) - Nope, it's not an Inferno match, it's a Ring of Fire match,
might as well be a Lumber Jack match or a Boiler Room match, but I digress.  After months of teasing the Wyatts they finally debut.  Now (finally) Bray Wyatt will face Kane, the Devil's Favorite Demon.  I love the back and forth that has gone on with The Big Red Monster and The Eater of Worlds.  Great storytelling on this one.  I am pretty sure I know how this one is going to turn out. *Bray Wyatt wins by pinfall and then The Wyatt Family take Kane with them after brutally assaulting him with the ring steps!  Nasty!

Winner: Bray Wyatt

Cody Rhodes vs. Damien Sandow - Another great example of finely crafted television.  Best friends, now bitter enemies.  One match that started it all.  The Money in the Bank bout.  Damien "screwed" Cody by pushing him off the ladder and grabbing the Money in the Bank briefcase to gain an opportunity to wrestling the World Heavyweight Champion at any time, anywhere, within (I believe) the next year.  This will be an okay match.

Winner: Cody Rhodes *Cody Rhodes takes down Damien Sandow in a great back and forth.

Dolph Ziggler & Kaitlyn vs. Big E Langston & AJ Lee - Sure I get it, but why is Ziggler not in the running for the WHC?  The Universe was hot when "Ziggy" had the belt and I feel that there is a flatline reaction when Del Rio steps through the curtain.  Do I pretend to know the behind the scenes of WWE, hell no, I will leave that to the younger crowd, who think they know everything, I'm past that kind of thinking in my life.  This match will be good, but I feel that they are wasting two potential matches in place of this one.

Winner: Big E Langston & AJ Lee *Ziggler and Kaitlyn beat AJ and Big E.  Ziggler with the Zig Zag for the win!

CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar - The "Best" vs the "Beast".  Hmm.  I guess.  This could be the match of the night but I am not too sure.  Both guys will bring it their all and I think there will be some crazy spots to be had by both Punk and Lesnar.  I also see some Paul Heyman interference at some point, believe that, player!

Winner: Brock Lesnar *Lesnar beats CM Punk.  Match of the Year.  All the stops were pulled on this one. 

Alberto Del Rio (C) vs. Christian for the World Heavyweight Championship - Hey, Capt. Charisma gets "One More Match", and frankly, I would love to see him capture the WHC again.  I feel right now there are too many Heels as Champions on the roster right now.  Thought Christian can win it and then lose it to Damien Sandow tonight, so we'd be right back in the same place with a Heel champion.

Winner - Still Champion, Alberto Del Rio *ADR wins by submission.  Valiant effort by Christian.  Great match.

John Cena (C) vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE Championship - This is the match I can't wait for.  Daniel Bryan is on fire with the fans right now, and truth be told, I've wanted to see Bryan hold the WWE belt for a really long time.  Bryan can be the face of the company and the crowd would eat that up.  Heck, I would too!

Winner - New World Heavyweight Champion, Daniel Bryan *Daniel Bryan wins!  Orton cashes in and becomes the new World Heavyweight Champion!  The Year of the Beard was over as soon as it starts.  Boo.

Well there ya have it folks, SummerSlam in all it's glory, did you enjoy it?  It was pretty awesome.  Lesnar/Punk match was amazing  as well as the Bryan/Cena match. Good stuff.

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