Saturday, December 15, 2012

Blog Topic: Regret

Okay Gene, I said this one was going to be sad.

I have a recent story of regret.  As I've posted before my Mom had a heart attack around the middle of the summer.  I regret not being able to go and see her after she had a triple bypass.  Our finances were totally boned and I couldn't get out there to see her as she lived on the East side of the country.  We were able to talk on the phone soon after the heart attack and we agreed that it would be wiser to get my cataract surgery and move out of the current house we're still living in.  That was more important to her than coming out to see her.  We had made plans that I would see her either later this year or early next year when our situation had improved, so I know me and her are right as rain and I know she's looking down from above knowing that I made the right choice, but there are days I wake up and say to myself, "shit, I should've gone and seen her", so there you go my short story of regret.  I've had more regret in my life, not a lot, but some as everyone has. 

Those stories will stay with me for another day.  If you Mom's close by give her a hug and tell her you love her.  If she's gone stop a second and thank your lucky stars she was in your life at all and know that she's always in your heart. 

Love you Mom.  You're missed every day. XOXO

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