Friday, September 28, 2012

This Week in Rock Band

Now you've noticed I haven't posted my usual Rock Band predictions.  This post will be short too.  Had eye surgery two days ago (went great!) and I'm still healing up so there ya go!  Without further ado:

311 Pack 01

"Amber" (O)
"Beautiful Disaster" (O)
"Down" (X)

(X denotes PRO Guitar/Bass Upgrade, O denotes Keyboards)

Don't really know the songs so I'll give em' a listen.  I'll post what came out on the RBN yesterday at a later date as I'm having trouble seeing this page.

Are you stoked?  Bummed?  Sound off below!

1 comment:

  1. Not excited. Never heard of these guys before, but listening to the cuts they seem to be lame Red Hot Chili Peppers copy cats, just riding the wave of that rock/funk/ska mix that was popular at the time. Totally unoriginal. The first two cuts sound the same, the third sounds like a bunch of college kids pretending to be a rock band.

    This is precisely the sort of vanilla music that HMX seems obsessed with this year. Something or somebody changed at HMX this year, they just won't admit it.

    Glad your surgery went well!
