Tuesday, May 29, 2012

DVD/Video Game Tuesdays

Oh man, I can't wait to see The Goon!  Hockey and Seaan Williams Scott, sold!

I'm hoping it's going to be as brutal as the movie Slapshot.  Those "three brothers" were awesome!  Let's see what else is going on.

WWE Extreme Rules 2012

Not to shabby so far.  I really want to see this one because of the Lesner/Cena fight and anything with D. Bryan, he's pretty awesome!

A Trip to the Moon/The Extraordinary Voyage

Can't wait to see this as I've only seen clips and snipets from this film.  The special effects were pretty bad ass for their time.  Just watched a film or documentary about the man who made the film so it's really on my radar.

So that looks like it for the films, let's see what (if anything) is coming out in the video game department.

Sega Vintage Collection: Golden Axe

 Didn't Sega already release this on XBL?  What the hell?  That pisses me off.  I won't buy anymore Arcade games from SEGA.  If that is the reason why some games got pulled off of XBL, just so the company can re-release it down the line.  Sickening.  So doing a bit of research it's actually more than one game, so I guess they're off the hook... for now.

Not much else coming out this week with the exception of the new Batman: Arkham City DLC.  I don't own the new (or old) Batman game but if I did I'd probably be playing it right now.

Anything coming out that you can't live without?  Post in the comment section below!

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